Thursday, December 23, 2010

Do You Know?

I've realised these......

Do you know when there is something ..
Something that u need help with ..
Even ur family will leave u there alone ..
What more when it's only a friend..

But when u have something to do ..
And .. they need help .. but u can't ...
They will say u have no gratitude ..
That u don't know how to help others...

Do you know when u need someone to talk to ..
To console u and make u feel better..
Even ur family would just tell u u're not good enuf ..

The list goes on ..........

I don't know who i can rely on when i am helpless at some times ...
I guess i can only rely on myself ..
Even though how hard it is ... Never show ..
Agree to anything they say .. And scream later on ..

People can't see from the outside..
They would just say .. "U are so lucky to have them" .. BS..
I'm out ..... !

Tuesday, December 21, 2010


well, went to Langkawi with my cousin sister for a 3 days 2 nights trip ...
Though it's only the two of us .. it was quite alright ..
It's actually a trip to spend some time together
Since she is now working in Singapore..

Then .. nowadays been freaking busy + tired...
Cuz my house is now having a major makeover.. ...
Dad wanted all the walls to be repainted ..
And upstairs.. The floors need to do also .. *i dunno the proper word for it*
Therefore, all things need to be moved ...
Oh well,
It's a good time for me to pack and reorganise my room..
Been packing and packing and packing .....

Need to visit Ikea to get something to put my books ..
Since the old ones already rusty ... @.@

Oh.. and i went to the 'Human Revolution, The Musical' on Sunday..
It was AWESOME.... simply AWESOME....
So Touching.... and i even bought a T-Shirt.... hehehe...
Just that it seems to be a lil too big ..
Ahhh.. It's alright ... Comfy can already ..... ^v^
Alright .. Gotta go...

xoxo, Suzanne @ Shu Xian

Wednesday, December 15, 2010


I don't know why .. but i'm kinda addicted to this song now .. haha.... been playing this song all night .. until my fingers damn pain now ... XD

"Living Next Door to Alice by Smokie"

Sally called when she got the word,
And she said: "I suppose you've heard -
About Alice".
When I rushed to the window,
And I looked outside,
And I could hardly believe my eyes -
As a big limousine rolled up
Into Alice's drive...

Oh, I don't know why she's leaving,
Or where she's gonna go,
I guess she's got her reasons,
But I just don't want to know,
'Cos for twenty-four years
I've been living next door to Alice.
Twenty-four years just waiting for a chance,
To tell her how I feel, and maybe get a second glance,
Now I've got to get used to not living next door to Alice...

We grew up together,
Two kids in the park,
We carved our initials,
Deep in the bark,
Me and Alice.
Now she walks through the door,
With her head held high,
Just for a moment, I caught her eye,
As a big limousine pulled slowly
Out of Alice's drive.

Oh, I don't know why she's leaving,
Or where she's gonna go,
I guess she's got her reasons,
But I just don't want to know,
'Cos for twenty-four years
I've been living next door to Alice.
Twenty-four years just waiting for a chance,
To tell her how I feel, and maybe get a second glance,
Now I gotta get used to not living next door to Alice...

And Sally called back and asked how I felt,
And she said: "I know how to help -
Get over Alice".
She said: "Now Alice is gone,
But I'm still here,
You know I've been waiting
For twenty-four years..."
And a big limousine disappeared...

I don't know why she's leaving,
Or where she's gonna go,
I guess she's got her reasons,
But I just don't want to know,
'Cos for twenty-four years
I've been living next door to Alice.
Twenty-four years just waiting for a chance,
To tell her how I feel, and maybe get a second glance,
But I'll never get used to not living next door to Alice...

Now I'll never get used to not living next door to Alice...

Suzanne @ Shu Xian

Thursday, November 25, 2010

Holiday Mode: ON~~

end of finals and now it’s holiday ..

what am i suppose to do for holidays?

i have a list ..

some people are having their internship..

some might be going on a holiday ..

and some might be busy with their business or work ..

but me..

i’m going to stay home,

read all my unread novels..

do my cross-stitch…

play my piano..

play my guitar..

listen to music..

or maybe go out for badminton with my friends..

visit the bookstore for more guitar book..

to improve my skills .. ^v^

AND~~~~ maybe i should clean up my room ..

it’s such a mess during the finals..

dun even have time to care what on the table ..

thus, i dun even have place to put my mobile phone .. haha..

oh well..

my holiday mode is sooooo on ..

and good luck everybody ..

<3 Suzanne @ Shu Xian

Thursday, November 18, 2010


Exams oh exams... why do u need to exist?
Your existence makes people nervous, scared, stress, etc.
All of them are negative thoughts..
No one wanted u to be here..
When the time of the semester arrives..
people either want u to go away asap .. or ..
want more time though they want u to leave..
u are the reason why people get depression..
it's because..
cause of u, learning isn't a fun thing anymore..
cause of u, people start to have high expectations..
it's not bad to have high expectations..
but learning use to be fun and expectations are easy to be met..
because there is no stress, people learn for the sake of learning..
but now..
people learn for the sake of EXAMS!!!!

I hate u ... I dun wanna see u again!!
*though i still have to until the end of next year*

Suzanne @ Shu Xian

Friday, October 8, 2010


Well.. Fiona's been back to Melbourne for a week now.. I think? It felt longer .. Sigh.. Alright, after that all the assignments just suddenly fell on me .. I just found out a few days ago that i have a report due on the coming monday.. Great...... Started preparing .. Interviewing the psyhologist.. .. Surfing the net.... Gosh.. If i could start earlier (this question went through my mind).. Well, what's passed has pass.. And there is nothing i can do about it.. So... Still struggling.. After this have ICBM assignment.. Grrr... Dont even know hat is it all about .. So dead.. And finals is coming in a month.. X.X

Suzanne@Shu Xian

Sunday, September 26, 2010


Alright, Fiona's back since last week but we only manage to meet up during Derrick's farewell party coz she was busy for the few days since she was back.. Derrick's farewell was on Wednesday night, we went to Marmalade in Bangsar Village 2.. Quite nice, coz most of them were there, a few that i haven't seen for sooo long.. Joshua was also back from UK for his holidays..
After Marmalade, since it closes at 10pm, we headed to our second location, for desserts.. in alexis.. Here are the photos..

The two professional photographers.. Tony and Josh..

top: Kelvin, Zi Jing
below: Derrick, me and Mei Sern

Zi Jing, Derrick, Josh, me and Mei Sern

Kelvin gao gao zan ..

Samantha and Fiona's candid shot.. Aww... Fiona's so cute..

showing off their rings.. but ... zi jing's one can't see lah .. haha.. bosco is the 'ring-less' one..

A group photo from Fiona's cam.. *with josh in it*

Another group photo, from Josh's cam.. I actually like this effect better.. Looks so *i don't know how to describe it*, it just look really nice.. but it's without Josh.. >.<"

Oh well, that's all for that day .. There are more..
We had karaoke session on Friday afternoon, but it's only me, Chai Li, Zi Jing and Fiona..
And on Saturday, which was yesterday.. we had a belated-birthday celebration for Hor Yan ..
And today, we went badminton and dim sum in kota damansara ..

*photos will be coming up next if... i get the photos*

toodles for now ~ ^v^

back to tutorial work and assignments.. >.<

Suzanne @ Shu Xian =)

Thursday, September 16, 2010

Bringing Out the Best in One's Personality

"In the multitude of personalities, we see the Buddhist principle of cherry, plum, peach and apricot blossoms at work. Just as each blossom is beautiful in its own way, each person is also endowed with their own special qualities. Being introverted doesn't make someone incapable, just being quick-tempered doesn't make a person useless. We should live in a way that is true to ourselves. The fundamental aim of Buddhism is to enable us to do that."

President Ikeda said:

Personality is something that greatly affects our lives. Someone once said it is determined by fate, and there's nothing we can do about it. The fact is, almost, everyone agonises over some aspect of their personality. Agonising actually leads to growth. But, you also have to realise that just worrying about your problems won't change anything. Although the human race has made incredible advances in science, in reality we still understand very little about ourselves, and the workings of the human kind.

People's personalities are truly diverse, In Buddhism, the word society (Jpn seken) also has the meaning of 'difference' or 'distinction'. In other words, society constitutes a gathering of people, each possessing unique and distinct personalities.

Once, when encouraging a member who had begun practising Nichiren Daishonin's Buddhism to change his angry nature, Soka Gakkai 2nd Josei Toda said, "You don't have to worry about changing your personality; all you have to do is chant daimoku and live your life the best you can. Then, very naturally, you will see the negative aspects of your personality disappear, leaving you with the positive ones. you must have a clear purpose and work for the betterment of society."

Source: Youth - A Time For Construction [Discussion Series] by Daisaku Ikeda (2001), Soka Gakkai Malaysia.

Monday, August 23, 2010


hmm .. good mood? or not?

what am i thinking?

busy? or not?

ahhh ~ whatever... but i'm counting down the days~

=) Suzanne @ Shu Xian

Friday, August 13, 2010

It's funny... It's weird...

Gets to me all the time..
Walking ... Talking ... Playing ...
especially listening to Music ..
Makes me stop and wonder ..
about loadz of stuff..

about life.. about myself..
about people around me ..
friends, family, even a stranger..
how can people be so friendly for this moment ..
then so mean next ..

i know .. this is life ..
every different u meet ..
makes u learn something ..
but sometimes thinking of it hurts ..
can't show the emotions ..
so i find something to do ..
where i can release every single emotion ..
it's like expressing it in a different way ..
only people who understands will understand ..

but .. it's really funny that ..
even with all the people surrounding me ..
it still feels like im all alone ..
it's very hard to explain ..
cuz i don't know what is the problem ..
it just felt that way .. @.@

Suzanne @ Shu Xian

Saturday, August 7, 2010

back to square one



在此劝大家,做什么都好,千万记得,要先想后果,不要因为现在想要享受而让以后变得痛苦。所谓先苦后甜嘛,大家说对不对?现在的痛苦算什么?未来的享受才是重点。嘻嘻 =)

柿伭 笔

Monday, July 26, 2010

Somethin i dont understand

Evening when im on the way back home, i cut into the right lane cuz i need to use that lane to go home.. The car behind flash me ... 3 times.... Why? Cuz he just graduated from kindergarten... Yea a guy... Why guys are so childish???

There is another time i met one who purposely came in front of me n stop cuz i move slow while looking for parking.. Sorry i need to get a parking slot??!!!!

And another time there is one who showed middle finger.. Very yeng ar? This ia call 低级!I remembered showing middle finger kiddingly only to ppl i know... That's closer friends..

Ish.. Guys........ *not all but majority*

Suzanne@Shu Xian

Wednesday, July 21, 2010


外婆剛去世不久.. 周旁的人都很難過, 在她出殯的那天, 大家哭了.. 眼淚可以代表不同的東西, 也有真與假.. 大家.. 是否是發自內心的在為她的離開而感到難過呢? 外婆的離去, 讓我感覺到一件事.. 我發覺, 我們還是小孩的時候, 父母常因為一點點小事而為我們感到擔心.. 盡全力照顧我們, 把最好的留給我們.. 但, 大家都長大了, 卻嫌父母礙事.. 開始把照顧父母的責任推來推去.. 藉口是, 太忙了, 沒時間... 等.. 看見這樣的情形.. 真的很難過..

我好懷念, 小時後... 常常因為父母出國旅遊, 都會到表妹家暫住.. 因為表妹家很靠近外婆家, 早上都會到外婆家去吃早餐.. 下午, 外婆會煮一桌香噴噴的菜... 我記得我很喜歡吃外婆煮的菜... 常因為要回外婆家吃晚飯而感到開心.. 直到外婆病了.. 到去世.. 每當想起之前和外婆一起的日子, 都會忍不住難過起來... 但我明白, 她是到一個更好的地方.. 不會在有病痛的地方.. 我會永遠把她放在我心里... =)


我發覺... 人們常說.. 要試著去聽聽別人的意見, 接受別人的想法.. 不要常認為自己是對的.. 對啊.. 說是容易啊, 但.... 那個人是你, 就不是這麼一回事了.. 每個人都會犯錯.. 而要每一個人都認同您的說法, 更是不可能.. 不會因為您是一個充滿智慧的人, 別人就會認同您的想法.. 當別人肯在您面前說出他們心裡真正的想法時, 試著去聽與了解為何他們會這麼想.. 然後再想, 您的說法對嗎? 對錯無所謂, 最重要的是得到真正的解答.. 但, 您從頭到尾都覺得自己是對的, 在聽別人的想法的當時, 你只會在想 '他說的一定是錯的, 我一定要他們認同我的說法'.. 而不是, '我的說法有錯嗎? 那裡錯了?' ..

* 試著接受別人的想法真的沒那麼難...

柿伭 筆

Sunday, June 27, 2010


終於考完試了.. 但是, 最後一張考試真的沒甚麼把握.. 唉.. 第一次, 考完試了還那麼 stress.. 現在就只是暫時 .... 暫時脫離苦海.. 但是三個星期後, 又要開始新的學期了.. 還緊張哦.. 新學期開始之前, 成績就會出了.. 怎麼辦.. 很緊張哦!!!! 這次會不會及格呢?

這幾天, 都好累.. 根本沒有機會好好的休息.. 每晚讀到三更才睡.. 早上很早就要起身了.. 累死人了... 今天雖然睡眠足夠, 但是, 一整天出去還是很累.. 通常這個時候, 我都會還很精神的, 現在已經很愛睡了.. 眼睛就快關了.. 都好像很忙.. 大家的事, 好像都忽略了.. 知道後.. 驚訝但替他們開心.. 有些事出乎預料之外.. 有些事雖然在預料中, 但沒去想它... 所以結果都是一樣的..

心裡... 好像擺放著一粒lemon .. 隨時都會感覺到酸溜溜的感覺.. 這是為何我也不知道.. 唉.. 不想那麼多.. 可能這是暫時的吧.. 身邊事情太多.. 可能就只是因為我想太多.. 或.. 我可以不要去理那麼多.. 那麼, 就可以當做甚麼都沒有.. 只有現在的我.. 以及好的事情.. 別人多麼的不好, 要吵要鬧.. 要冷戰不說話.. 要玩弄或只是等機會.. 也算了吧.. 但, 我覺得這些就只會是暫時性的.. 人性嘛, 忍耐.. 又如何? 能撐多久? 玩, 又能玩多久? 讓別人不開心是您尋快樂的方法嗎? 無聊~

柿伭 筆

Saturday, June 5, 2010

好久沒有update blog 了。哈哈,但是真的沒有甚麼東西寫.. 近來的生活都很平靜,沒甚麼特別的。


今天,和mei sern, zi jing, bosco, jian rong 以及 cheryl 去打羽球,cheryl光看沒打。流了不少汗,太舒服了!好久沒那麼痛快了。接著去吃肉骨茶,本來男士們想拉我們去打機,但幸好沒有。哈哈,下次唄! =)

好啦,總算有update, 就這樣唄。

柿伭 筆 <3

Sunday, May 16, 2010






感觉。。。 如何?



柿伭 筆

Thursday, May 13, 2010


So many people getting sick recently.. Is it because of the weather? or is it themselves; not enuf water.. ? or not enuf rest, due to crazy workloads..? especially uni students.. the workloads are crazy .. there is people i know, having an assignment due every single week .. =.=

well, recently my groupmate got a fever.. hey mr groupmate, please don't die first.. i need u to help me with the assignment .. hahaa.. after monday then can die .. not now .. hahaa.... *just kidding* .. but seriously .. don't get sick, if not i sure die ar... xD

p/s: to all the people who are sick, please drink more water, the weather is getting crazier and crazier each day .. do take care of yourselves.. =) cheerio~

Suzanne@Shu Xian

Monday, May 10, 2010


这是从朋友的部落格抄下来的。。 大家认为有理吗? 我觉得蛮不错的。。 请享读 =)











★ 现实和浪漫哪个更重要?


★ 想知道一个人爱不爱你,就看他和你在一起有没有活力,开不开心,有就是爱,没有就是不爱。







Friday, April 30, 2010

Guess What~~

Alright... Been blogging more often nowadays, compared to the days I don't have any assignments .. why? alright .. guess what, im outside with my laptop, doing the annual report for my assignment.. so, with laptop and friends discussing, plus me totally lost and disconnected.. so.. i start blogging .. haha... don't think they know about this though ..

First time in my life, i work on my assignment since afternoon till now.. almost midnight now.. near to 12hrs spent on my assignment.. worse than the time i spent on movies.. hahaha.. *bad example* feeling so sleepy now.. arrrggghhhh... i wanna go home and visit my bed and pillows..... just by thinking about it, i feel more sleepy.. oh no!!!!


p/s: my curfew has just passed... =.= are they going to nag? ahhh.. leave me alone ... xP

i'm out
Suzanne@Shu Xian

Thursday, April 29, 2010

Assignments~ Period~

Alright.. erm .. okay .. decided to write in English cuz... i feel like it la.... u've got a problem with that? haha.. ok ok .. just foolin'..

Well, met the most annoying person in uni today .. ok, not naming names and only two person knows about this .. they are .. B & D.. haha... if dunno then forget it .. and this .. i'm the only one feeling it ..? *too sensitive?* whatever.. maybe she just like B & D too much that's why they don't get these treatment... xP

Met up for assignments tonight .. oh well, though most of the work done.. still have half not done.. a quarter not sure.. and lots of talking.. *but we get things done right.... haha* we will discuss it again tomorrow .. =D

Almost fell asleep during the last few minutes before we decided to head home and B was talking to me .. paiseh man ... haha.... and so i sped home .. but when i reach home .. my eyes are wide open ... very awake .. that's why im blogging ... xD

fine.. im out of things to blog about .. so ....... *end of blog it is* toodles.... xP

p/s: i still can't believe a guy has a curfew at 12am .. *it's a good thing though.. don't get me wrong* hehe... im off... !

Suzanne @ Shu Xian

Thursday, April 22, 2010


最近這個禮拜, 每一天都感覺頭疼.. 不曉得是不是學校功課繁重? 但不對啊! 都不感覺有很多東西做丫? 可能是我給自己太大的壓力? 很多人說我很多煩惱.. 唯有我爸媽覺得我是個无忧无虑的人.. 我也不知道, 我腦袋里到底是在想甚麼.. 感覺有一大堆事情要做, 但是卻又感覺沒事情做.. 我這麼說有道理嗎? 感覺好亂哦.. 哈哈..

我又感覺自己最近這一年來, 都很奇怪.. 感覺不想和別人溝通.. 感覺和別人溝通是件很痛苦的事情.. 所以常常把自己關在家裡面做自己的事情.. 我也不知道為甚麼我有這個衝動, 想和外面的世界隔離.. 絕望? 不會吧? 覺得自己對別人不好.. 不想讓別人有不好的感覺..? 有可能吧? 我覺得啊.. 我現在, 對別人說話, 都好像會發抖耶.. 到底發生甚麼事? 可能沒有人發現, 但是, 當我在和別人說話時, 我都感覺自己的內心在發抖.. 聲音也在發抖, 只是別人沒有察覺到而已..

人都會有糊塗的時候吧? 做錯事的時候? 但有些事, 真的.. 想彌補都彌補不了.. 那個傷痕, 永遠都會存在.. 在人的內心深處.. 永遠擦不掉.. 原本是最知心的朋友, 現在雖然聯絡回了, 但感覺好像很陌生的朋友.. 感覺很不好.. 我只能盡我全力去找回那份我最珍貴的友情.. 但, 這樣就能恢復我跟她之前那麼好的關係嗎? 那我就不知道了........... 我希望能........ 我真的很希望能...... 唉......

從小到大, 聽歌是唯一能讓我心情以及身心放鬆, 思考的事.. 但現在, 聽歌讓我想到不愉快的事.. 所以讓我頭疼.. 尤其是近來這個星期... 又要趕功課, 又特別想到那個事情.. 讓我更頭疼.. 大家問我為甚麼那麼愛笑.. 因為我希望 '笑' 能讓我忘記這一切, 或只是讓我掩飾這一切... .....

柿伭 筆

Friday, April 16, 2010

PC Fair + Something Else... ^,^

well, went for class from 8-10am.. though there are some of them that told me 'it's ok if i don't go'.. but i feel guilty to do that .. therefore, i ended up in lecture.. Most of the time alone in F&I lecture, but i'm getting really use to that..

alright, after class, usually i go straight home.. but today, i went straight to PC Fair, oh well, i know.. i know.. it hasn't even started yet... but after me and my dad ate, search for parking, travel in the LRT.. those need time.. so, by the time we reach there it's around 12smtg in the afternoon.. i remembered two years back, we went there before the door is even open.. of course, it's not only us waiting there..

But not like the other time when i went to PC Fair, this time.. i was really sleepy and tired.. i didn't really get enough sleep last night.. let's see.. i slept at 12.30am.. woke up at 2am.. slept again.. then woke up at 3am again.. then slept again.. woke up at 4am.. and slept again.. then 6am i woke up again.. and then i think, if i go to sleep again, i might not wake up till the afternoon.. so i better wake up and make it for the 8am class.. *sigh*

walked until i can't feel my legs.. bought a printer *since my printer dah gila gila, tak boleh pakai sometimes*.. and something else for the car.. yum cha with dad, then head home.. i was half asleep when i drove home from the LRT station just now.. and my dad asked me why i drive so slow.. *problems: when i drive fast, dad ask, why drive so fast; when i drive slow, dad ask, why drive so slow.. so what should i do?*

when i reach home, set up the printer.. said wanna go out for dinner.. then i told my dad.. 'my guitar out of tune d'.. then he started tuning for me.. and started playing some songs... played for around an hour or so.. my dad suddenly realised the time and we haven't eat yet.. @.@
That's the problem when we start playing songs .. we forget the time.. usually my mom will come saying, 'eh, hungry d la'.. since now she went on vacation.. nobody's there to say that.. hence, us forgetting the time.. =D

though i still think piano is easier to play.. compared to the guitar.. hehe..

*winks, it's another English post.. Teehee... but when i looked over.. i was thinking.. what am i writing la... ? haha... whatever la.. it's just about expressing myself.. it's going to be a chinese post next .. x.x*

Suzanne @ Shu Xian

Thursday, April 15, 2010

English vs. Chinese + Memories

Having complains about me writing my blog in Chinese.. Hard to understand? haha.. don't think so .. it's just some are not Chinese educated.. that's all.. I call them banana? *no offense* And got 'zha-ed' by a friend, saying 'banana can't talk in the first place'.. ahh.. whatever .. so speechless after that.. so i just laughed it through.. xD *that's my way of getting through awkwardness.. teehee*

So... well, sorry if this post sounded childish as i haven't been writing English posts since so long ago .. Been writing in Chinese all this while .. and am really comfortable with it.. somehow i find writing Chinese posts is so cool.. *proud to be a Chinese?* xP

by the way .. reconnecting with a bunch of my primary school friends lately.. so proud of the person creating the page for THE class of 2001.. =D *hugs and kisses* .. well, most of them have changed.. ALOT... more prettier, more handsome, more capable of loadz of things for sure.. i just feel so happy that we found each other AGAIN.. after 9 years.. u heard me right.. it's been 9 years.. though alot of them are near Sunway area.. still.. i never met them anywhere near there before.. haha.. fate? but fate brought us together again.. need to organise a gathering soon after everyone have their finals .. it's going to be fun .. awesome.. awkward? exciting *that's the word.. haha* .. dunno how to describe it .. *a happy feeling but just can't find ways to describe that feeling*.. but it's going to be wonderful.. having all those memories flow through my mind again .. it's just wonderful..

SRJK(C) Taman Rashna, Class of 2001, 6B.. =D

p/s: ili, english post ni.. can read dah.. =D haha..

Suzanne @ Shu Xian

Thursday, April 8, 2010


最近, 看了我表妹的部落有些感想.. 以下是從她部落看見的..


我覺得啊, 我表妹的確說了些重點.. 我知道大家都是喜歡漂亮的東西.. 自然而然會把漂亮的東西保管的好好的.. 就像人一樣, 都會對漂亮的人特別照顧.. 但是, 需要這樣嗎? 大家都是人啊... 需要有這種特別待遇嗎? 這樣很不公平啊! 也要想想別人的感受嘛.. 對不對...

這不是針對誰而說的話... 但是我覺得這些事常常都是男人會犯的.. 當然, 也不是每個男人都是一樣的.. 因為我有遇過不是這樣的, 對每個人都一視同仁.. 所以啊.. 我在此勸大家, 要對每一個人都公平.. 不要太偏心啦.. 不好的..

有人問我, 我相信這個世界上還有幫助人不計回報的人嗎? 我是覺得有啦.. 但在這個現實的世界裡, 真的是少之又少.. 這個世界雖然現實, 但不至於沒有好人..


柿伭 筆

Monday, April 5, 2010


最近, 到底發生甚麼事? 好像好多不愉快的事情發生.. 卻要裝做一副很快樂的樣子.. 不想做的事, 卻硬著頭皮去做.. 想狠下心來, 卻始終心軟了.. 我發覺這個世界已經沒有了言論自由.. 甚麼都好像是規定好的.. 沒得商量.. 為甚麼要是這樣? 難道都沒有選擇嗎? 每一個人, 都有他們自己的想法.. 為甚麼永遠都覺得自己的方法沒有錯.. 而如果別人不同意您的想法, 卻亂掰出理由; 把沒道理的變成有道理.. 這根本就是無理中的道理嘛.. 也就是無理嘛!!

你們看.. 現在我連自己在寫甚麼都搞不懂.. 唉.. 甚麼人生嘛! 那麼愛作弄人.. 做assignment的期限要到了.. 我卻一點也不感到緊張, 害怕的.. 而且.. 我還不會做耶! 真是的.. 怎麼問題都那麼亂.. 根本不知道他們要的答案是甚麼.. 問題的範圍很大.. 都不知道要寫些甚麼下去..

今天到九樓去要問老師關於assignment的東西.. 在電梯里遇見我Foundation時的老師.. 他還認得我丫! 蠻驚訝的... 因為都那麼久沒有碰到了.. 記憶力真好.. 有些老師看到我都不認得我了.. xD

這個星期的時間表太荒唐了.. 為甚麼要到七點?? 本來要去的都得三思啊! 真是的.. 我的課在早上八點至十點, 他們竟然把block lecture的時間放在四點至七點.. 真是有夠變態的... 現在還在考慮.. 要不要去... 朋友說, 去第一天的和最後一天的就好了.. 但最後一天的, 也是一樣, 早上上了課, 到傍晚四點才有.. 我才不要去叻! 再說唄! 唉.......... 王*蛋!


柿伭 筆

Friday, March 19, 2010


哇.. 好快哦.. 轉眼間, 已經上課三個星期的課了.. 時間過的真快.. 我也開始認識幾位新朋友.. 之前一直擔心做Assignment找不到組員, 現在也不必擔心了, 因為已經找到啦! =) 所以說, 只要有試著去做, 一定行! 嘻嘻... 從這個星期開始, 要努力作戰啦!! 一定要全科及格!!! *對自己打打氣* .. 但是也讓我提醒提醒大家.. 雖然讀書重要, 但是過度緊張功課上的事也不一定會好哦.. 偶爾也要讓自己放鬆一下.. 但也不能過度放鬆.. 唉! 總而言之, 做甚麼都好, 要有個平衡度唄!

兩天前, 和幾位老友去喝茶.. 他們也有帶一位朋友來.. 所以就這樣也認識啦.. 其中一位老友要到怡保去打工了.. 在此祝他一路順風.. 也祝他早日回來吧.. 嘻嘻.. 唉.. 最近朋友都漸漸離開了.. 我是那特別的, 我會來啦... 大家都說回來沒甚麼不好的.. 對啊.. 沒甚麼不好.. 可能吧.. 我也有認識到朋友啦..

昨天, 朋友慫恿我蹺課.. 唉.. 超後悔的.. 但, 都過去了.. 下不為例!!! 這是我要提醒自己的.. 因為那天我也超累的, 竟然有人提出, 我就跟啦... 哈哈.. 所以說我也有錯啦.. 人生嘛, 難免會有做出錯誤選擇的時候啊.. 對吧?

好久沒出去了.. 出去也是去上課, 然後回家, 然後陪爸爸去銀行之類的.. 好悶啊.. 這就是人生嗎? 但是, 我覺得現在最重要的不是這個吧? 應該是學業才對.. 所以, 我甚麼都不想了... 就只想學業.. 其他時候可以做點其他事, 譬如讀小說啊, 看電影, 彈彈鋼琴等.. 不會沒事做的.. =D

好吧.. 就這樣唄! 掰嘍!

柿伭 筆

Friday, March 5, 2010


這個星期開課了, 但只是 Lecture 開始了, Tutorial 下個星期才開始.. 這一次一定要把每一課都考好, 不能再那麼懶散了.. 這樣下去甚麼都做不成了.. 看見每一個人都在為自己的夢想在努力, 自己也得為自己的努力吧.. 常告訴別人, 沒甚麼是不行的.. 只要有努力, 就不會對不起自己, 不成功就再來.. 不要那麼輕易的放棄.. 但是, 這些我好像都沒做到..

就像我說的, 開課了.. 覺得在這裡, 格格不入.. 發覺回來後, 對自己沒有自信了.. 和別人都沒甚麼敢說話.. 有些人, 感覺他們話里帶刺.. 可能這可以說我太敏感.. 這也就算了吧.. 又不是要每天對著他們對嗎? 大家就做個朋友, 他們要說甚麼, 也不干我的事啊..

做人的道理, 是說到年老都說不完.. 這是日常生活中, 自己經歷過的事情裡面學的.. 說太多也沒用.. 也要用實際行動去證明才行.. 大家加油吧.. 格格不入又如何.. 做好自己本分就好了... =)

柿伭 筆

Saturday, February 27, 2010


在過兩天就要開課了.. 唉, 假期太長了.. 讓我都變懶惰了.. 都沒有要上課的心情... 而且上一年發生的種種事.. 開心與不開心... 讓我做出留在國內的選擇.. 說後悔, 感覺又不像如此.. 可能是因為朋友們漸漸離開.. 到國外就讀, 而我卻選擇了回國讀.. 所以, 結果感覺這裡空蕩蕩的.. 新年時, 我和朋友們到每個朋友的家拜年.. 最後也有到我家.. 爸爸問我, 你不是說你沒有朋友嗎? 怎麼剛剛來了那麼多朋友? 我心里說, 朋友只是'看起來' 很多..

今天, 爸媽去旅行了.. 留我一個人在家, 因為要開課了啊.... 唉.. 我很懶惰出去, 所以, 從早上到現在, 我都還沒有吃... 只是吃了一些餅乾.. 晚上怎麼辦呢? 要吃些甚麼呢? 唉! 頭疼啊!!! 我有想到去很多地方, 可是, 我很懶得出去啊!! 一個人就是這樣... 沒有動力... 哈哈...

好了, 我看, 我還是先去冲個凉... 然後洗衣服.. 再出去買東西吃.... 就這樣唄!

柿伭 筆

Saturday, February 6, 2010


唉,我發覺人的心情很奇怪... 每當擁有了一些東西,卻會希望另一樣… 我也一樣。每當假期到了,我就會希望去上課 (因為假期太空閒)… 上課了,就會希望假期的到來。真是矛盾…

柿伭 筆