Monday, August 31, 2009


Ahh~ Just done with my first assignment..
oh well, was working on it last night till 4.30am..
and when i wanted to go to bed,
but.. i can't sleep.. that's torturing as my body's really tired already..
but eventually when i relaxed my mind..
i fell asleep ..

woke up when cheng called me asking me some stuff..
said i wasn't going, then only realise what i said after hanging up the call..
so i called her again..
ended up going to reject shop to get her stuff..
then go to her place to fix it..

came back home, and was surfing the net..
checking out some friend's blogs..
i came across this blog that was saying about 'friends'..
well, i have the same thoughts..
when i start to count how many friends i have..
and how many is my real/true friends.. they kept reducing..
am i all alone?
and my thoughts came.. saying..
no, i'm not all alone.. people who feels they do not have true friends..
you guys are not alone either..
don't forget, we still have our family..
you still have yourself.. just remember, you have to be true to yourself..
it's all about the causes you make now..
not about the effect that is going to happen later..
enjoy the process of whatever you are pursuing..
that is true happiness..
don't let anything bring you down..
family always come first in our lives..
and they will never ever hurt us or let us down..

signing out~

Tuesday, August 25, 2009

Gift of a Friend~

Sometimes you think you'll be fine by yourself
'cause a dream is a wish that you make all alone
It's easy to feel like you don't need help
But it's harder to walk on your own

You'll change inside
When you realize
The world comes to life
And everything's right
From beginning to end
When you have a friend by your side
That helps you to find
The beauty you own when you open you're heart
And believe in the gift of a Friend
The gift of a Friend

Someone who knows when you're lost and you're scared
There through the highs and the lows
Someone to count on, someone who cares
Beside you wherever you'll go

You'll change inside
When you realize
The world comes to life
And everything's right
From beginning to end
When you have a friend by your side
That helps you to find
The beauty you own when you open you're heart
And believe in the gift of a Friend

And when your hope crashes down
Shattering to the ground
You, you feel all alone
When you don't know which way to go
And there's no signs leading you home
You're not alone

The world comes to life
And everything's right
From beginning to end
When you have a friend by your side
That helps you to find
The beauty you own when you open you're heart
And believe in
When you believe in
When you believe in
The Gift of a Friend

-Demi Lovato, Here We Go Again Album-

Sunday, August 23, 2009


前天, 因為電話有免費一個小時的長途通話時間..
聊著聊著, 一個小時就這麼過去了..
可是, 就沒有去理它.. 繼續聊下去.. 好啦..
就超過了一點點.. 要給錢..
但不是每次都這樣, 就還好啦..
因為, 大家都會集合在我外婆家..
因為以前都沒有車啊.. 哈哈..
但現在有了.. 所以回去的時候,
一有空, 就可以約出來見面啦..
慧慧, 好久沒有跟你去旅行了..
下次有機會就一起去嘛, 好不好.. =)

Tuesday, August 18, 2009


今天, 我又認識了幾位朋友..
都是從馬來西亞來的.. 但都小過我..
下午去McDonald 吃的時候, 遇到一個剛認識的Australian..
其實還蠻聊得來的啦.. 但, 有點怪就是了..
因為我們的口音都不一樣啊.. xD
但, 感覺真的不錯..

昨天, 我脾氣終於爆了..
但.. 感覺上, 他們好像知道, 又好像不知道..
可是, 脾氣就有發出來就是了..
因為七早八早被人吵醒.. 又累, 很難控制的了..
出去想上個廁所看見'他' 就瞪了他一下..
那時我不否認我是想過去把他臭罵一頓.. 但我還是忍住了..
忍了那麼一陣子才爆出來, 累的人被吵脾氣總是躁一點啊.. xD

早知道就找一個, 一個人住的地方就好..
自由, 而且不用說怎麼要忍這個忍那個的..
但, 可以說, 我學會怎麼去包容..
甚麼事, 聊開了就會沒事..
所以啊, 我覺得我以後還會是選擇一個人..
我不反對啊, 因為..
對自己好, 人人有不同的想法.. =)

Saturday, August 15, 2009

Best Friends~

i was talking to my dad on skype this morning.. Cuz he took his car to service.. And has to wait for a few hours till my mom fetch him.. So he took his lappie to the cafe..

while chatting.. he asked me a question.. Which is 'who do i still contact back home?'.. He named a few names.. Well.. All of them, is either too busy or only talk to bf when they have some free time.. And he asked me, 'so, who do u consider ur best friend?'.. I can't even tell.. Haha.. Isn't it funny.. Seems like i have quite a number of friend, but seriously, who is my best friend? I can hear it in his words, he knows what is on my mind.. And he didn't ask more.. =)

Friday, August 14, 2009

Bor3d t0 H3LL

arrhh.. dang... QM, the worst lecture i've ever been..
ok, it's not that i don't understand him or anything..
it's just that the way he explains is just to boring.. and erm..
i'm already sleepy.. and his lecture is like telling me ''go to sleep~~ go to sleep~~"..
well, his biggest mistake was.. letting us 'have a break'..
haha.. everyone walked out after that..
no big deal actually.. he was just following the lecture slides..
what i need to do is do the tutorial questions maybe.. xD and also ..
oh well.. also....... read the lecture slides maybe?
ahh.. whatever la.. at the mean time.. seriously.. he has to do something with his lecturing skills..

gosh.. don't feel like going back..

wth..? it's not even malaysia .. understandable if i dun wanna go back to hear naggings..

but it's aussie damn.. why i have this feelings?

still in computer lab.. what am i doing?

ahh.. going back soon maybe..

i'm so out.. peace.. ^.^v

Thursday, August 13, 2009


在人生的道路上, 難免會遇到挫折..
有上有下有左有右.. 哈哈... 開玩笑的..
啊... 昨晚有夠無聊的.. 我和cheng去吃了pizza, 就在我家待一會兒..
然後特地去Uni 坐車回來.. 而且是饒一個大圈..
Uni 到我家用走的才需要三分鐘.. 但卻用了15分鐘坐車.. 哈哈..
而且無聊的是, 我從我家走出來去Uni, 再從Uni 坐車回家..
過後還跟那個駕車的聊起天來.. 哈哈.. 還蠻好聊的唷..
我覺得我好像越來越敢講話了.. 認識朋友啊, 跟陌生人講話..
回到家, 我感覺到想嘔.. 不知道是不是因為久沒有坐車..
所以一上車就很暈.. 撐到回家就想嘔了.. 但沒有嘔啦..
就這樣.. 掰嘍...

Wednesday, August 12, 2009


哈哈.. 我發覺啊, 我好多朋友都不會看中文耶.. 所以我寫起部落格來也輕鬆多了.. 但, 也很少人會來讀啦.. 所以我沒甚麼好擔心的.. 很多事, 很多人都不知道.. 有些朋友看得明白中文, 但卻看不透裡面所含有的意思.. 我的想法, 真的那麼難以看透嗎?

今天, 我走在澳洲的街上.. 一邊廳著歌, 一路走著.. 看著街上的人.. 我一個都不認識.. 世界那麼大, 和朋友們遇見, 是一種難得的緣分.. 能不能長久是看人與人相處的方法.. 那所用的方法, 又有分對與錯的嗎? 我覺得, 沒有.. 因為, 每個人的性格都不一樣.. 對待人的方式也變得不一樣了.. 我覺得, 互相忍讓; 不對的地方, 說出來; 那, 朋友之間的感情才能長久.. 一直收藏在心裡, 可能是一種解決的方法 (因為不想因為說了出來而起衝突), 但絕對不會是最好的方法.. 說了出來, 不但自己好過點, 而且也能增進和大家的關係.. 要懂得諒解別人..

這一切的一切.. 都是大家明白的.. 但.. 為甚麼, 很多人還是看不透裡面所隱藏的秘密.. ?

Sunday, August 9, 2009

Love is in the air ~

但, 我選擇我信任的人..

怎麼? 交往的季節到了嗎?

我也安心.. =)

p/s: 好懷念小學時期沒有煩惱的日子哦.... 雖然同學們都很愛鬧事..

Thursday, August 6, 2009

白痴.. 哈哈..

上帝, 創造了水,
是因為, 看見你口渴..

上帝, 創造了米,
是因為, 看見你餓..

上帝, 創造了愛情,
所以, 世界上開始有了.. 白痴..

電視上聽到的.. 挺有意思的.. 嘻嘻.. ^,^v

Wednesday, August 5, 2009




現在的我, 好像是陷入先甜後苦的狀態了啊?

可是, 我不能否認, 現在這樣的感覺還挺不賴的.. 自己一個人..
要做甚麼就做甚麼.. 感覺真的很好..
難怪人家都說單身的時候是最爽的, 我現在了解了..

我要做得比以前還要好.. 讓別人覺得我對事對人都是認真的..
從以前, 我給人家的感覺就是個愛做亂的個性..
雖然人家都沒說.. 可是都感覺得出來..
不要有所隱瞞.. 這樣才是為自己好的朋友..

自己知道有沒有盡力就好了.. 對得起自己就好..
我累了.. 做好自己先, 再說吧..