Friday, April 30, 2010

Guess What~~

Alright... Been blogging more often nowadays, compared to the days I don't have any assignments .. why? alright .. guess what, im outside with my laptop, doing the annual report for my assignment.. so, with laptop and friends discussing, plus me totally lost and disconnected.. so.. i start blogging .. haha... don't think they know about this though ..

First time in my life, i work on my assignment since afternoon till now.. almost midnight now.. near to 12hrs spent on my assignment.. worse than the time i spent on movies.. hahaha.. *bad example* feeling so sleepy now.. arrrggghhhh... i wanna go home and visit my bed and pillows..... just by thinking about it, i feel more sleepy.. oh no!!!!


p/s: my curfew has just passed... =.= are they going to nag? ahhh.. leave me alone ... xP

i'm out
Suzanne@Shu Xian

Thursday, April 29, 2010

Assignments~ Period~

Alright.. erm .. okay .. decided to write in English cuz... i feel like it la.... u've got a problem with that? haha.. ok ok .. just foolin'..

Well, met the most annoying person in uni today .. ok, not naming names and only two person knows about this .. they are .. B & D.. haha... if dunno then forget it .. and this .. i'm the only one feeling it ..? *too sensitive?* whatever.. maybe she just like B & D too much that's why they don't get these treatment... xP

Met up for assignments tonight .. oh well, though most of the work done.. still have half not done.. a quarter not sure.. and lots of talking.. *but we get things done right.... haha* we will discuss it again tomorrow .. =D

Almost fell asleep during the last few minutes before we decided to head home and B was talking to me .. paiseh man ... haha.... and so i sped home .. but when i reach home .. my eyes are wide open ... very awake .. that's why im blogging ... xD

fine.. im out of things to blog about .. so ....... *end of blog it is* toodles.... xP

p/s: i still can't believe a guy has a curfew at 12am .. *it's a good thing though.. don't get me wrong* hehe... im off... !

Suzanne @ Shu Xian

Thursday, April 22, 2010


最近這個禮拜, 每一天都感覺頭疼.. 不曉得是不是學校功課繁重? 但不對啊! 都不感覺有很多東西做丫? 可能是我給自己太大的壓力? 很多人說我很多煩惱.. 唯有我爸媽覺得我是個无忧无虑的人.. 我也不知道, 我腦袋里到底是在想甚麼.. 感覺有一大堆事情要做, 但是卻又感覺沒事情做.. 我這麼說有道理嗎? 感覺好亂哦.. 哈哈..

我又感覺自己最近這一年來, 都很奇怪.. 感覺不想和別人溝通.. 感覺和別人溝通是件很痛苦的事情.. 所以常常把自己關在家裡面做自己的事情.. 我也不知道為甚麼我有這個衝動, 想和外面的世界隔離.. 絕望? 不會吧? 覺得自己對別人不好.. 不想讓別人有不好的感覺..? 有可能吧? 我覺得啊.. 我現在, 對別人說話, 都好像會發抖耶.. 到底發生甚麼事? 可能沒有人發現, 但是, 當我在和別人說話時, 我都感覺自己的內心在發抖.. 聲音也在發抖, 只是別人沒有察覺到而已..

人都會有糊塗的時候吧? 做錯事的時候? 但有些事, 真的.. 想彌補都彌補不了.. 那個傷痕, 永遠都會存在.. 在人的內心深處.. 永遠擦不掉.. 原本是最知心的朋友, 現在雖然聯絡回了, 但感覺好像很陌生的朋友.. 感覺很不好.. 我只能盡我全力去找回那份我最珍貴的友情.. 但, 這樣就能恢復我跟她之前那麼好的關係嗎? 那我就不知道了........... 我希望能........ 我真的很希望能...... 唉......

從小到大, 聽歌是唯一能讓我心情以及身心放鬆, 思考的事.. 但現在, 聽歌讓我想到不愉快的事.. 所以讓我頭疼.. 尤其是近來這個星期... 又要趕功課, 又特別想到那個事情.. 讓我更頭疼.. 大家問我為甚麼那麼愛笑.. 因為我希望 '笑' 能讓我忘記這一切, 或只是讓我掩飾這一切... .....

柿伭 筆

Friday, April 16, 2010

PC Fair + Something Else... ^,^

well, went for class from 8-10am.. though there are some of them that told me 'it's ok if i don't go'.. but i feel guilty to do that .. therefore, i ended up in lecture.. Most of the time alone in F&I lecture, but i'm getting really use to that..

alright, after class, usually i go straight home.. but today, i went straight to PC Fair, oh well, i know.. i know.. it hasn't even started yet... but after me and my dad ate, search for parking, travel in the LRT.. those need time.. so, by the time we reach there it's around 12smtg in the afternoon.. i remembered two years back, we went there before the door is even open.. of course, it's not only us waiting there..

But not like the other time when i went to PC Fair, this time.. i was really sleepy and tired.. i didn't really get enough sleep last night.. let's see.. i slept at 12.30am.. woke up at 2am.. slept again.. then woke up at 3am again.. then slept again.. woke up at 4am.. and slept again.. then 6am i woke up again.. and then i think, if i go to sleep again, i might not wake up till the afternoon.. so i better wake up and make it for the 8am class.. *sigh*

walked until i can't feel my legs.. bought a printer *since my printer dah gila gila, tak boleh pakai sometimes*.. and something else for the car.. yum cha with dad, then head home.. i was half asleep when i drove home from the LRT station just now.. and my dad asked me why i drive so slow.. *problems: when i drive fast, dad ask, why drive so fast; when i drive slow, dad ask, why drive so slow.. so what should i do?*

when i reach home, set up the printer.. said wanna go out for dinner.. then i told my dad.. 'my guitar out of tune d'.. then he started tuning for me.. and started playing some songs... played for around an hour or so.. my dad suddenly realised the time and we haven't eat yet.. @.@
That's the problem when we start playing songs .. we forget the time.. usually my mom will come saying, 'eh, hungry d la'.. since now she went on vacation.. nobody's there to say that.. hence, us forgetting the time.. =D

though i still think piano is easier to play.. compared to the guitar.. hehe..

*winks, it's another English post.. Teehee... but when i looked over.. i was thinking.. what am i writing la... ? haha... whatever la.. it's just about expressing myself.. it's going to be a chinese post next .. x.x*

Suzanne @ Shu Xian

Thursday, April 15, 2010

English vs. Chinese + Memories

Having complains about me writing my blog in Chinese.. Hard to understand? haha.. don't think so .. it's just some are not Chinese educated.. that's all.. I call them banana? *no offense* And got 'zha-ed' by a friend, saying 'banana can't talk in the first place'.. ahh.. whatever .. so speechless after that.. so i just laughed it through.. xD *that's my way of getting through awkwardness.. teehee*

So... well, sorry if this post sounded childish as i haven't been writing English posts since so long ago .. Been writing in Chinese all this while .. and am really comfortable with it.. somehow i find writing Chinese posts is so cool.. *proud to be a Chinese?* xP

by the way .. reconnecting with a bunch of my primary school friends lately.. so proud of the person creating the page for THE class of 2001.. =D *hugs and kisses* .. well, most of them have changed.. ALOT... more prettier, more handsome, more capable of loadz of things for sure.. i just feel so happy that we found each other AGAIN.. after 9 years.. u heard me right.. it's been 9 years.. though alot of them are near Sunway area.. still.. i never met them anywhere near there before.. haha.. fate? but fate brought us together again.. need to organise a gathering soon after everyone have their finals .. it's going to be fun .. awesome.. awkward? exciting *that's the word.. haha* .. dunno how to describe it .. *a happy feeling but just can't find ways to describe that feeling*.. but it's going to be wonderful.. having all those memories flow through my mind again .. it's just wonderful..

SRJK(C) Taman Rashna, Class of 2001, 6B.. =D

p/s: ili, english post ni.. can read dah.. =D haha..

Suzanne @ Shu Xian

Thursday, April 8, 2010


最近, 看了我表妹的部落有些感想.. 以下是從她部落看見的..


我覺得啊, 我表妹的確說了些重點.. 我知道大家都是喜歡漂亮的東西.. 自然而然會把漂亮的東西保管的好好的.. 就像人一樣, 都會對漂亮的人特別照顧.. 但是, 需要這樣嗎? 大家都是人啊... 需要有這種特別待遇嗎? 這樣很不公平啊! 也要想想別人的感受嘛.. 對不對...

這不是針對誰而說的話... 但是我覺得這些事常常都是男人會犯的.. 當然, 也不是每個男人都是一樣的.. 因為我有遇過不是這樣的, 對每個人都一視同仁.. 所以啊.. 我在此勸大家, 要對每一個人都公平.. 不要太偏心啦.. 不好的..

有人問我, 我相信這個世界上還有幫助人不計回報的人嗎? 我是覺得有啦.. 但在這個現實的世界裡, 真的是少之又少.. 這個世界雖然現實, 但不至於沒有好人..


柿伭 筆

Monday, April 5, 2010


最近, 到底發生甚麼事? 好像好多不愉快的事情發生.. 卻要裝做一副很快樂的樣子.. 不想做的事, 卻硬著頭皮去做.. 想狠下心來, 卻始終心軟了.. 我發覺這個世界已經沒有了言論自由.. 甚麼都好像是規定好的.. 沒得商量.. 為甚麼要是這樣? 難道都沒有選擇嗎? 每一個人, 都有他們自己的想法.. 為甚麼永遠都覺得自己的方法沒有錯.. 而如果別人不同意您的想法, 卻亂掰出理由; 把沒道理的變成有道理.. 這根本就是無理中的道理嘛.. 也就是無理嘛!!

你們看.. 現在我連自己在寫甚麼都搞不懂.. 唉.. 甚麼人生嘛! 那麼愛作弄人.. 做assignment的期限要到了.. 我卻一點也不感到緊張, 害怕的.. 而且.. 我還不會做耶! 真是的.. 怎麼問題都那麼亂.. 根本不知道他們要的答案是甚麼.. 問題的範圍很大.. 都不知道要寫些甚麼下去..

今天到九樓去要問老師關於assignment的東西.. 在電梯里遇見我Foundation時的老師.. 他還認得我丫! 蠻驚訝的... 因為都那麼久沒有碰到了.. 記憶力真好.. 有些老師看到我都不認得我了.. xD

這個星期的時間表太荒唐了.. 為甚麼要到七點?? 本來要去的都得三思啊! 真是的.. 我的課在早上八點至十點, 他們竟然把block lecture的時間放在四點至七點.. 真是有夠變態的... 現在還在考慮.. 要不要去... 朋友說, 去第一天的和最後一天的就好了.. 但最後一天的, 也是一樣, 早上上了課, 到傍晚四點才有.. 我才不要去叻! 再說唄! 唉.......... 王*蛋!


柿伭 筆