Sunday, September 26, 2010


Alright, Fiona's back since last week but we only manage to meet up during Derrick's farewell party coz she was busy for the few days since she was back.. Derrick's farewell was on Wednesday night, we went to Marmalade in Bangsar Village 2.. Quite nice, coz most of them were there, a few that i haven't seen for sooo long.. Joshua was also back from UK for his holidays..
After Marmalade, since it closes at 10pm, we headed to our second location, for desserts.. in alexis.. Here are the photos..

The two professional photographers.. Tony and Josh..

top: Kelvin, Zi Jing
below: Derrick, me and Mei Sern

Zi Jing, Derrick, Josh, me and Mei Sern

Kelvin gao gao zan ..

Samantha and Fiona's candid shot.. Aww... Fiona's so cute..

showing off their rings.. but ... zi jing's one can't see lah .. haha.. bosco is the 'ring-less' one..

A group photo from Fiona's cam.. *with josh in it*

Another group photo, from Josh's cam.. I actually like this effect better.. Looks so *i don't know how to describe it*, it just look really nice.. but it's without Josh.. >.<"

Oh well, that's all for that day .. There are more..
We had karaoke session on Friday afternoon, but it's only me, Chai Li, Zi Jing and Fiona..
And on Saturday, which was yesterday.. we had a belated-birthday celebration for Hor Yan ..
And today, we went badminton and dim sum in kota damansara ..

*photos will be coming up next if... i get the photos*

toodles for now ~ ^v^

back to tutorial work and assignments.. >.<

Suzanne @ Shu Xian =)

Thursday, September 16, 2010

Bringing Out the Best in One's Personality

"In the multitude of personalities, we see the Buddhist principle of cherry, plum, peach and apricot blossoms at work. Just as each blossom is beautiful in its own way, each person is also endowed with their own special qualities. Being introverted doesn't make someone incapable, just being quick-tempered doesn't make a person useless. We should live in a way that is true to ourselves. The fundamental aim of Buddhism is to enable us to do that."

President Ikeda said:

Personality is something that greatly affects our lives. Someone once said it is determined by fate, and there's nothing we can do about it. The fact is, almost, everyone agonises over some aspect of their personality. Agonising actually leads to growth. But, you also have to realise that just worrying about your problems won't change anything. Although the human race has made incredible advances in science, in reality we still understand very little about ourselves, and the workings of the human kind.

People's personalities are truly diverse, In Buddhism, the word society (Jpn seken) also has the meaning of 'difference' or 'distinction'. In other words, society constitutes a gathering of people, each possessing unique and distinct personalities.

Once, when encouraging a member who had begun practising Nichiren Daishonin's Buddhism to change his angry nature, Soka Gakkai 2nd Josei Toda said, "You don't have to worry about changing your personality; all you have to do is chant daimoku and live your life the best you can. Then, very naturally, you will see the negative aspects of your personality disappear, leaving you with the positive ones. you must have a clear purpose and work for the betterment of society."

Source: Youth - A Time For Construction [Discussion Series] by Daisaku Ikeda (2001), Soka Gakkai Malaysia.